Sewage Water Treatment Plant
Zealiche Water Technologies, provide proven, highly reliable and cost-effective treatment of a wide range of sewage water treatment plants.
Sewage water is wastewater from people living in a community. It is the water released from households after use for various purposes like washing dishes, and flushing the toilet, thus the name wastewater.
Mostly, sewage water consists of grey water and black water. Grey water is the waste water from washing either from bathing, dishes. Black water is the waste water from toilets.
Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater, containing mainly household sewage. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are used to remove contaminants and produce treated wastewater that is safe enough for release into the environment.
Treated sewage water can be put to good use. These uses include water for toilet flushing, and irrigation of plants. TSE water can be used to irrigate both food and nonfood producing plants.